
Ph.D. in Geodesy, Istanbul Technical University, Geomatics Engineering
Thesis Title: Determination of Astro-geodetic Deflections of the Vertical using Digital Zenith Camera System
MSc., Bogazici Universirty, KOERI Geodesy
BSc., Istanbul Technical University, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering


Einstein Fellow
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
kerem.halicioglu [at] fu-berlin.de

kerem [at] halicioglu.de
keremhalicioglu [at] gmail.com


Best Dissertation Award of Year 2015, Istanbul Technical University, 2016
Incentive Award, Turkish National Geodesy Commission, 2015


Refereed Articles
8 results
[8] Monitoring Deformations of Istanbul Metro Line Stations through Sentinel-1 and Levelling Observations
(; and ),
In Environmental Earth Sciences
, volume 80, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[7] Quality assessment of global gravity field models in coastal zones: A case study using astrogeodetic vertical deflections in Istanbul, Turkey (; ; ; ; and ),
In Stud. Geophys. Geod
, volume 64, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[6] Determination of Istanbul geoid using GNSS/levelling and valley cross levelling data (; ; and ),
In Geodesy and Geodynamics
, Elsevier, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[5] The Use of The Automated Digital Zenith Camera System in Istanbul for The Determination of Astrogeodetic Vertical Deflection
(; ; ; ; ; and ),
In Bulletin of Geodetic Sciences
, volume 4, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[4] Digital astro-geodetic camera system for the measurement of the deflections of the vertical: tests and results
(; and ),
In International Journal of Digital Earth
, volume 9, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[3] Slip rates and seismic potential on the East Anatolian Fault System using an improved GPS velocity field
(; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In Journal of Geodynamics
, volume 94, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[2] Digital zenith camera system for astro-geodetic applications in Turkey
(; and ),
In Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation
, volume 1, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[1] Geodetic network design and optimization on the active Tuzla fault (Izmir, Turkey) for disaster management
( and ),
In Sensors
, volume 8, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
Book Chapter
1 result
[1] Geodetic Network Design for Disaster Management
( and ),
Chapter in Earth Science New Methods and Studies (Williams, R. H., ed.)
, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group (2008-[1] article published as ch.), .
Conference Presentations
26 results
[26] Determination of Equipotential Surfaces by Chronometric Leveling Method
(; and ),
Turkish National Geodesy Commission, Scientific Meeting, November 25-27, 2021, Ankara, Turkey,
, .
[25] The benefits of Sentinel-1 in the monitoring of critical infrastructures: application to big projects in Istanbul and reclamation areas in Rize, Turkey
(; and ),
esa Living Planet Symposium
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[24] New Astrogeodetic Observations of Vertical Deflections at the Istanbul Astrogeodetic Network Demonstrate Issues in Global Gravity Models along Coastlines
(; ; ; and ),
27th IUGG General Assembly 2015, July 8 - 18, 2019, Montreal, Canada
, .
[23] Astro-geodetic Zenith Camera System
(; ; and ),
The Scientific Congress of the Turkish National Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[22] The sustainability study of the recent construction projects in Istanbul through Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatter Interferometry
(; and ),
5th Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing – Challenges & Solutions
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[21] Modernizing and Upgrading the Astrogeodetic Camera System for Determining Vertical Deflections
(; ; ; ; and ),
AGU 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[20] Contribution to GIS Models: Determination of the Geoid through using the First Digital Zenith Camera System in Turkey
(; ; ; ; and ),
International Symposium on GIS Applications in Geography and Geosciences, Canakkale, Turkey
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[19] GPS-constrained estimate of present-day slip rate along major faults of Turkey
(; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In Proc. 16th Turkey Geodesy, Science, and Technical Congress
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[18] Observations at Istanbul Astro-geodetic Network using Digital Zenith Camera System
(; ; ; ; ; and ),
In Proc. 16th Turkey Geodesy, Science, and Technical Congress
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[17] Validating High Resolution Geoid Models
Workshop on Determination of Geoid Models, Istanbul Technical University, April 27 –28, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. [Invited Talk]
, .
[16] Determination of Deflection of the Vertical using DZCSs
Workshop on Determination of Geoid Models, Istanbul Technical University, April 27 –28, Istanbul, Turkey. [Invited Talk]
, .
[15] Astro-geodetic Camera System of Turkey
Turkish National Geodesy Commission, Scientific Meeting 2016, November 03-05, 2016, Istanbul Turkey, [Invited Talk]
, .
[pdf] [doi]
[14] Astro-geodetic Contribution to the Geoid Determination Studies: Digital Zenith Camera Systems
Turkish National Geodesy Commission, Scientific Meeting, November 03-05, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, [Invited Talk]
, .
[pdf] [doi]
[13] Astro-geodetic Vertical Deflections Determined using Digital Zenit Camera System of Turkey
(; and ),
In Proc. 15th Turkey Geodesy, Science, and Technical Congress
, .
[pdf] [doi]
[12] Determining astro-geodetic deflections of the vertical using Digital Zenith Camera System
(; and ),
26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, June 22 - July 2, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
, .
[pdf] [doi]
[11] Astrogeodetic observations using Digital Zenith Camera System in Istanbul
(; and ),
IAG, Scientific Assembly 150\textsuperscriptth Anniversary of the IAG, September 01-06, 2013, Postdam, Germany
, .
[pdf] [doi]
[10] Recent Creep Rate of Ismetpasa Segment of North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) inferred from 7-years GPS Observations
(; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
WEGENER 2012-16th General Assembly of WEGENER, September 17-20, 2012, Strazburg, France
, .
[9] Determination of Strain Accumulation at Tuzla Fault (Izmir) using GPS Observations
(; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
6th Symposium on Engineering Surveying, October, 03-05, 2012, Afyon, Turkey.
, .
[8] Determination of Vertical Deflections using Digital Zenith Camera Systems
( and ),
Turkish National Geodesy Commission's Workshop on Modernization of Turkish National Height System, March 28-30, 2012, Zonguldak, Turkey. [Invited Talk]
, .
[7] Determination of Astro-geodetic vertical deflections using digital zenith camera system in Istanbul, Turkey
(; and ),
In Proc. FIG Working Week
, .
[pdf] [doi] [citations]
[6] Geodetic Measurements of Tectonic Deformation around Izmir - western Turkey
(; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring, November 02-04, 2011, Hong Kong, China
, .
[5] Crustal Deformation from 15 Years Space-based Geodetic Data on the Inactive Fault Branch of Western North Anatolian Fault Zone
(; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
15th General Assembly of WEGENER, September, 14-17, 2010, Istanbul-Turkey
, .
[4] Fault Parameters and Design of Control Networks
(; and ),
In Proc. 12th Turkey Geodesy, Science, and Technical Congress
, .
[3] Monitoring Crustal Deformations of Eastern and Western Parts of North Anatolian Fault using Geodetic Techniques
(; ; ; and ),
In Proc. 11th Turkey Geodesy, Science, and Technical Congress
, .
[2] Geodetic Determination of Crustal Movements on the NAFZ
(; ; and ),
International Symposium Modern Technologies, Education, and Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields, November 09-10, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria
, .
[1] Network Design and Optimization for Deformation Monitoring on Tuzla Fault-Izmir and its Vicinity
(; and ),
International Symposium Modern Technologies, Education, and Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields, November 09-10, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria
, .
Conference Posters
34 results
[34] Modelling star trailed images of DZCS to improve the astro-geodetic geoid of Istanbul
(; ; and ),
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, volume 21, EGU2019-11305, .
[33] Determining the Earth's gravity field using star images, and geodetic data in Istanbul (),
, Gravity@Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Prague, .
[pdf] [doi]
[32] Investigating the Function of the Star Trails to Improve the Determination of Gravity Field (; ; and ),
In AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
, .
[pdf] [doi]
[31] Astrogeodetic Test Observation by the Newly Designed Astrogeodetic Camera System Version 2
(; ; and ),
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, volume 20, EGU2018-3980, .
[pdf] [doi]
[30] Testing the QDaedalus Measurement System for Astrogeodetic Observations of the Gravity Field (; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
, .
[pdf] [doi]
[29] Monitoring fault activities on the Iznik and Gemlik segments of the North Anatolian Fault
(; and ),
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, volume 19, EGU2017-2956, .
[28] Calibration and Testing of Digital Zenith Camera System Components
(; ; ; ; and ),
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, volume 19, EGU2017-16242, .
[27] The integration of astro-geodetic data observed with ACSYS to the local geoid models Istanbul-Turkey
(; ; ; ; ; and ),
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, volume 19, EGU2017-13072, .
[26] The Investigation on the Use of Different Centroiding Algorithms and Star Catalogs in Astro-Geodetic Observations
(; ; ; ; and ),
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, volume 19, EGU2017-15974, .
[25] Soft Computing and Conventional Interpolation Methods in Geoid Modelling: A Case Study in Istanbul
(; ; and ),
, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan., .
[pdf] [doi]
[24] A study on the investigation of crustal deformation along the Iznik-Gemlik segment of the estern Part of North Anatolian Fault System
(; ; ; and ),
, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, June 05-09, 2016, Trieste, Italy, .
[23] Local Geoid Modelling using Astro-geodetic Camera System and GNSS/Leveling Data
(; and ),
In Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
, volume 18, EGU2016-7115, .
[22] Local Geoid Determination in Istanbul Metropolitan Area
(; ; and ),
In Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
, volume 18, EGU2016-9874, .
[21] Building a Time Server with RaspberryPI; GPS, Connecting with a Free Web GIS Software
(; ; ; ; ; and ),
In Proc. Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference
, volume 15, .
[20] Determining Slip Rates of Main Fault Zones Driving Turkey's Neotectonics and Forming Intraplate Block Deformation Models by Geodetic Methods
(; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, June 22-July 2, 2015 Prague, Czech Republic
, .
[19] Slip Rates Estimate of Western North Anatolian Fault System in Turkey
(; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In Proc. FIG Working Week 2015
, .
[18]Slip Rates of Main Active Fault Zones Through Turkey Inferred From GPS Observations
(; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, December 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA
, .
[17] Seismic gaps and seismic potential on the East Anatolian Fault System using an Improved GPS velocity field
(; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, June 22-July 2, 2015 Prague, Czech Republic
, .
[16] Velocity and Strain Rate Fields in Eastern Marmara Region Inferred from a Combination of Survey Mode and CORS GPS Data
(; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, December 09-13, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[15] Preliminary results of digital zenith camera system in Istanbul for astro-geodetic observations in Turkey
(; and ),
In AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, December 09-13, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[14] Slip rates and seismic potential over East Anatolian Fault Sytem through GPS Velocities
(; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, December 09-13, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[13] Contemporary Horizontal Velocity and Strain Rate Fields in Akyazi Region of the North Anatolian Fault
(; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2012 Fall Meeting, December 03-07, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[12] Astro-geodetic Measurements using Digital Zenith Camera System in Istanbul-Turkey
(; and ),
In Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria
, volume 13, EGU2011-12414, .
[11] GPS Measurements for Detecting Aseismic Creeping in the Ismetpasa Region of North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
(; ; ; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, December 13-17, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[10] Kinematics of Tuzla Fault (Izmir-Turkey) and Vicinity by Geodetic Techniques
(; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2009 Fall Meeting, December 14-18, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[9] Design of Geodetic Control Networks with Fault Parameters for Disaster Management
(; and ),
In TIEMS 16th Annual Conference, June 09-11, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
, .
[8] Current Geoid Studies in Turkey and the need for Local High-Precision Astrogeodetic Geoid Determination Using CCD-Zenith Cameras
(; and ),
In AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[7] Strain Analysis of Eastern Turkey With GPS Data Obtained From Geodetic GPS Campaigns
(; and ),
In 24th IUGG General Assembly 2007, July 02-13, Perugia, Italy
, .
[6] A Large Scale Deformation Monitoring Study with Network Design Strategies on an Active Fault at Western Anatolia-Izmir
(; and ),
In 24th IUGG General Assembly 2007, July 02-13, Perugia, Italy
, .
[5] GPS Measurements for Investigation of Crustal Deformation and Block Kinematics of the Eastern Part of North Anatolian Fault Zone
(; ; ; ; and ),
In 5th International Symposium Turkish-German Joint Geodetic Days, March 28-31, Berlin, Germany
, .
[4] Deformation Kinematics of Eastern North Anatolian Fault by Geodetic Data
(; ; ; ; and ),
In AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, December 11-15, San Francisco, CA, USA
, .
[3] Conventional Geodetic Applications and Surveying Optimizations in Archaeological Sites
(; ; ; ; and ),
In 5th International Symposium Turkish-German Joint Geodetic Days, March 28-31, Berlin, Germany
, .
[2] Personal Navigation with the Combination of GPS, Mobile Phones and Printed Tourist Maps
(; ; and ),
In Proc. FIG Working Week
, .
[1] The Integration of Hand-held GPS receivers with Analogue Maps for Personal Navigation
(; ; and ),
In Proc. 10th Turkey Geodesy, Science, and Technical Congress
, .